Call for Proposals: Joint Transnational Funding for Aquatic Ecosystem Services Projects

We are pleased to announce a remarkable opportunity for researchers and innovators in the field of aquatic ecosystem services. Funding organizations from 30 countries in Europe and beyond have come together to launch a Joint Transnational Call for research and innovation projects. This call aims to support groundbreaking projects that will contribute to the understanding and preservation of aquatic ecosystem services.

Details of the Call: The Joint Transnational Call, initiated by the Water4All Partnership, is specifically looking for research and innovation project proposals related to aquatic ecosystem services. This funding opportunity is open to applicants from various fields, including academia, research institutions, non-governmental organizations, and enterprises , By participating in this call, researchers and innovators have the chance to secure financial support for their projects, enabling them to undertake pioneering work in the realm of aquatic ecosystem services. The call emphasizes projects that actively contribute to the sustainable management and conservation of aquatic ecosystems, while also highlighting their socio-economic importance

The call invites researchers and innovators to propose innovative approaches, methodologies, and technologies to tackle key challenges within the domain of aquatic ecosystem services. Projects can focus on areas such as water quality management, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem restoration, and climate change resilience.

How to Apply: To apply for the Joint Transnational Call, interested individuals or teams must carefully review the call guidelines and requirements provided on the official website of the Water4All Partnership (

Conclusion: This Joint Transnational Call for research and innovation projects on aquatic ecosystem services presents a unique opportunity for researchers and innovators to make a significant impact on the future of aquatic ecosystems. By submitting robust and innovative proposals, participants have the chance to secure funding for their groundbreaking projects. We encourage all qualified individuals and teams to review the call guidelines and submit their applications before the deadline. This is an opportunity to contribute to the sustainable management and preservation of aquatic ecosystem services and make a positive difference in our world.

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