"Discover our network of partners committed to promoting sustainability and innovation in the field of agro-industrial waste and water pollution management. Join us in our mission towards a cleaner future."

Plaza Cívica
08193 Bellaterra
(Cerdanyola del Vallès)
Tel. + 34 93 581 11 11
Project coordination and Management, WP1 and WP6 Leader.
UAB, offers +140 master’s degrees, 8 Erasmus Mundus master’s degrees, runs 68 doctoral programs and an average of 522 PhD dissertations are defended per year. UAB has +40,000 students, +4,500 researchers and teaching staff, and hosts +5,000 foreign students
Our Focus: Analytical chemistry applied to water treatment, pollutants adsorption/desorption and X-ray spectroscopy for MOFs characterization
Reference current projects: (RECOPHARMA. H2020 MSCA-RISE-2017. GA. 778266. TRACEWINDU H2020 MSCA-RISE-2020. GA101007979, SE4ALL H2020 MSCA-RISE-2020. GA10100630, NEOSETAC H2020 MSCA-RISE-2017. GA778325). Researchers also participate PHEMAC (GA1941) from PRIMA-2019_CSA.1.4.1 NEX-LABS (BA2.10124) and participates in TUNTWIN H2020-Widespread-05-2020 GA952306)

WP2 Leader. Development of functional materials for water treatment and catalysis
UPO, Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Our Focus: Porous Materials and Water Treatments
Reference current projects: PID2019-110430GB-C22, MOFDETECT, JA_P20_01258

WP3 Leader. Validation of materials at laboratory scale
UNIVPM, The Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), established in 1971 in Ancona (Italy), has a clear scientific and technological focus and is very active and performant in the European R&D&I.
The organization of the teaching is handled by 5 faculties and 12 departments.

WP4 Leader. Validation of materials at pilot scale and in real environment.
AERIS, Spin-off of the UAB specialized in developing SOTA technologies for residues treatment and valorization
Our Focus: Pilot plants, process upscaling, residues treatment, residues valorization

WP5 Leader. Dissemination, communication, and networking
SITES, specializing in Greentech consulting (Energy, Water, food circular economy), International Cooperation, Management Innovation and Innovation Strategy and hands-on management of commercialization projects and networks. Strong involvement in R&D and innovation supporting activities conducted with highly qualified European and international Companies and Research Centres.
Our Focus: Communication, dissemination, outreach, and exploitation; Innovation policies: RDI studies; Innovation Project Management; Consultancy services, stakeholder engagement , Social and economic LCA
Reference current projects: (WATERLINE GA101071306, SMART4ENV GA 101079251 VALZEO GA 101086354)

WP5 Leader. Dissemination, communication, and networking
University of Havana (UH) is the largest, oldest, and leading academic institution in Cuba, and one of the first universities founded in America. Comprises 16 faculties, 4 institutes and 14 research centers in a variety of fields, including natural and exact sciences, economics sciences, social sciences, and humanities. 35 specialties are taught at the university. UH offers 62 master and 26 doctoral programs and has about 38,000 students and 1,300 researchers and teaching staff. Regarding international cooperation, it is prioritized by UH authorities and an office of international project management has been created. UH has participated in more than 200 international projects with 65 universities in 25 countries.
Our focus: Materials science, microporous materials, nanoparticles, analytical chemistry.
Z-Prime provides Environmental remediation and biofuel production solutions facilitated by Artificial Intelligence.
Water management & wastewater treatment.
Circularity & Sustainability assessment adapted from new ISO on biobased and industrial systems
Life-cycle based approaches (LCA, LCC, sLCA) and quantification of holistic value creation for technology evaluation and decision making
Prospective assessment to support scale-up of emerging technologies considering the socioeconomic environment
Data acquisition & data analytics (Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence)
Digital transformation and smartification of Industrial Systems
Z-Prime provides Environmental remediation and biofuel production solutions facilitated by Artificial Intelligence.
Localización: Central España Republicana, CP:44280. Perico. Matanzas. Cuba
Teléf.: +53 45 541235
EEPFIH is a Research Center founded in 1962. It is attached to the University of Matanzas, belonging to the Ministry of Higher Education.
Our objective: To contribute through scientific activity and innovation to sustainable local development through agroecological models that integrate food and energy production, aimed at promoting economic development, environmental care and human wellness.
Z-Prime provides Environmental remediation and biofuel production solutions facilitated by Artificial Intelligence.
Autopista Novia del Mediodía Km 16 1/2 Bauta, Artemisa
The institution conducts research to provide the technical scientific basis for grain production systems on varieties of rice, beans, soybeans, sorghum, corn, sesame, vignas, peanuts, and chickpeas, taking into account the needs of individual and collective producers in the country. is responsible for the conservation, extension and characterization of the plant genetic resources of the varieties of the different grains that it investigates.
Its corporate purpose is to develop scientific research projects, technological innovation and offer scientific-technical services related to genetic improvement, plant breeding, nutrition, pest and disease control, original seeds and the harvest of grains in Cuban pesos and to natural persons and foreign legal
Carry out studies related to the optimization of the processes of benefit, milling and conservation of the harvested grains, as well as the study of post-harvest technologies of the new varieties in exploitation in Cuban pesos and foreign natural and legal persons.